Located in the Western Grampians, Glen Roy is internationally renowned for its visually impressive ice-dammed lake shorelines.
Produced during the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial (12.9–11.7 ka BP), these shorelines played an important part in the development of the glacial theory in the 19th century, and they continue to be studied today.
Other features present include gravel fans, moraines, slope failures, and a range of fluvial features.
Glen Roy is a popular fieldwork destination for schools, colleges, and universities.
Glen Roy
Virtual field trip location
This is an immersive, self-guided virtual field trip.
In other words, it is based on 360° imagery and provided without interpretation. The latter means it can be used flexibly for a wide range of educational purposes, although educators need to develop learner activities (e.g., worksheets) to suit their own requirements.
The virtual field trip comprises 42 locations, with the first being slightly ‘out on a limb’ at the Commando Memorial just northwest of Spean Bridge. This site, which provides a good view of the surrounding mountains, is used by some universities to provide context on ice flow directions during the Younger Dryas before proceeding to Glen Roy.
There is a video of the drive between stops 1 and 2, although at the time of writing you will still need to click on the yellow hotspot icon to load the second site.
Within Glen Roy itself, most sites have environmental audio, and some have short video clips (usually of rivers).
A map of all the stops is available within the virtual field trip.
Imagery acquired: April 2022
This resource was developed as part of the More Inclusive Fieldwork project, which explores how virtual fieldwork can be used to support (not replace) in-person field experiences.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.