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Why not get involved?

In an era of increasing demands on time and resources, we believe that cross-institutional collaboration in the design and development of shareable virtual field trips makes a great deal of sense. 

Specifically, we expect this approach to yield a more impressive and wider range of resources with less effort than would be possible by individuals working in isolation by mobilising the academic communities’ collective knowledge and expertise.

For example, some people would be able to contribute an in-depth knowledge of a field site and provide supporting teaching resources (e.g., worksheets, data), whilst others would focus more on virtual field trip development.

We will outline further details of our approach in the next few weeks, but in the meantime please get in touch if you would like to get involved in some way.

Although project funding has ended, we envisage collaborative virtual field trip projects could be supported by the small pots of money that many university departments have for learning and teaching projects. This would likely be sufficient to cover travel and subsistence.




This page will receive a number of updates between now and the end of July 2022.

A screenshot of a coastal virtual field trip, showing water, waves, and cliffs